RAM - AIR CYLINDER ROD 1-1/4" - 4"X26"

RAM - AIR CYLINDER ROD 1-1/4" - 4"X26"
This is the replacement rod for the 4" Ranco end dump tailgate lift cylinder. The rod only needs to be replaced when it gets bent and or pitting on the rod causing it to destroy seals.
PLEASE NOTE: Whenever the cylinder is disassembled; it's recommended to replace all the seals as they are a one time use only. Please be aware there are 2 different rod seal kits depending on the rod end cap. Please look at diagrams of cylinder to be sure that you're ordering the correct parts.
RAM - AIR CYLINDER ROD 1-1/4" - 4"X26"
This is the replacement rod for the 4" Ranco end dump tailgate lift cylinder. The rod only needs to be replaced when it gets bent and or pitting on the rod causing it to destroy seals. This rod will only work on the tailgate lift cylinder. It will not work on any other cylinder.
PLEASE NOTE: Whenever the cylinder is disassembled; it's recommended to replace all the seals as they are a one time use only. Please be aware there are 2 different rod seal kits depending on the rod end cap. Please look at diagrams of cylinder to be sure that you're ordering the correct parts.