RAM - ROD CLEVIS - (1-1/4" ROD)

RAM - ROD CLEVIS - (1-1/4" ROD)
This is the replacement rod clevis end that screws onto the end of the rod. The clevis never needs to be replaced unless damaged or bent during the removal of the clevis.
PLEASE NOTE: This rod clevis is only for the 4" tailgate lift cylinder that utilizes an 1 1/4" cylinder rod. It will not work on a different rod size or another cylinder, as they are specifically for the 4" tailgate ram.
RAM - ROD CLEVIS - (1-1/4" ROD)
This is the replacement rod clevis end that screws onto the end of the rod. The clevis never needs to be replaced unless damaged or bent during the removal of the clevis. It's recommended to use a vice and penetrating oil upon removal. Please be sure to but a rag on the cylinder rod to prevent burring or scratching of the cylinder rod that could lead to future damage of the rod seals during operation.
PLEASE NOTE: This rod clevis is only for the 4" tailgate lift cylinder that utilizes an 1 1/4" cylinder rod. It will not work on a different rod size or another cylinder, as they are specifically for the 4" tailgate ram.