The drain cock is commonly used in air systems on air tanks. The male pipe end is screwed into an air tank and and when your ready to drain your tanks at the end of the day; you simply screw the t handle in and it allows any air or moisture in the air tank to escape.
The drain cock is commonly used in air systems on air tanks. The male pipe end is screwed into an air tank and and when your ready to drain your tanks at the end of the day; you simply screw the t handle in and it allows any air or moisture in the air tank to escape. Draining your tanks at the end of each day is a good habit to get into especially in winter because any moisture in the tank can freeze and cause a failure. The drain cock is mounted in a drain port in an air tank. If your tank has multiple drain ports the location of the drain cock does not matter; it just has to be in a drain port. Most tanks have 3/4" supply inlets making it really easy to not plumb it wrong.